Microsoft.Fast.Components.FluentUI.Emojis에서는 각종 이모지를 제공합니다.
아래 사이트로 들어가면 제공되는 이모지들을 확인할 수 있습니다.
Microsoft Fluent UI Emoji Set – Emoji Set – Iconduck
Microsoft Fluent UI Emoji Set is an Emoji Set of 7,505 emojis. It is exclusively made up of color emojis. Every single icon is an emoji, corresponding to the official emojis available. It's been open sourced with the license: MIT License. All emojis can be
사용하는 방법입니다.
@page "/"
@using Microsoft.Fast.Components.FluentUI
<FluentLayout Style="margin-top: 10px;">
<h3>▶ FluentEmoji</h3>
<FluentCard Style="margin: 10px;">
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.PeopleBody.Color.Default.Artist)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.PeopleBody.Flat.Default.Artist)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.PeopleBody.HighContrast.Default.Artist)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.PeopleBody.Color.Dark.Artist)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.TravelPlaces.Color.Default.Airplane)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.TravelPlaces.Flat.Default.HourglassNotDone)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.TravelPlaces.HighContrast.Default.Fire)" />
<FluentEmoji Emoji="@(Emojis.TravelPlaces.Color.Default.Houses)" />
<br />
다양한 이모지가 있어서 활용도가 높을 것 같습니다.^^
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